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Apr 8, 2024
Probing crowd flows through the lens of dimensionless numbers
The immense edifice of Fluid Mechanics is partly built on the virtually impalpable contribution of dimensionless numbers, which are...

Nov 2, 2023
Research internship (Physics + AI) : Crowds’ response to their crossing by an autonomous vehicle
Proposal for a Masters' level research internship at Institut Lumière Matière, a public research lab associated with CNRS and Univ. Lyon...

Apr 7, 2022
Table Ronde sur le thème de la mobilité et de la résilience des transports le 6 avril
Une Table Ronde, co-organisée par Angelo FURNO et Alexandre NICOLAS, s'est tenue à Lyon le 6 avril 2022. Elle a réuni, autour du thème...

Sep 13, 2021
Where does the Covid-19 pandemic spread most (among non-confined crowds)?
Our manuscript explaining how field-data about pedestrian crowds can be coupled to viral transmission models to assess the risks of new...

Dec 10, 2020
How does the coronavirus disease spread in outdoor crowds?
Most Covid-19 outbreaks are known to originate in enclosed spaces. However, reported outbreaks do also include a small minority of events...
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