May 5, 2023Crossing scales to assess the risks of viral transmission in a crowdA chasm of several orders of magnitude in lengthscales separates viruses and the respiratory droplets carrying them from the typical...
Dec 19, 2021Even light winds and air flows are to be heeded in the simulation of coronavirus-laden dropletsTo what extent do indoor and outdoor settings differ for the short-ranged transmission of virus-laden droplets? How come the odds of...
Nov 3, 2021[Covid-19 transmission risks] Talk at the 2021 Conference on Complex SystemsIn a recent talk delivered at the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2021), I got the opportunity to present our work on the risks of...
Sep 13, 2021Where does the Covid-19 pandemic spread most (among non-confined crowds)?Our manuscript explaining how field-data about pedestrian crowds can be coupled to viral transmission models to assess the risks of new...