Fully funded PhD opening (CLOSED) on the physical modelling of micromobility in cities and adaptation of urban infrastructure to heat waves
TGF 2024: Call for abstracts (deadline: 31st May!!)
Probing crowd flows through the lens of dimensionless numbers
ANDA, a new agent-based model for pedestrian dynamics
Crossing scales to assess the risks of viral transmission in a crowd
Computer Science, Applied Maths and Stat Phys gathered to model dense crowds: Second MADRAS meeting
Table Ronde sur le thème de la mobilité et de la résilience des transports le 6 avril
People moving in groups: How does this impact their motion?
Where does the Covid-19 pandemic spread most (among non-confined crowds)?
PhD opening on physics-based models for pedestrian motion [CLOSED]
How does the coronavirus disease spread in outdoor crowds?
Covid transmission in crowds: Can outdoor situations be ranked by the risks that they present?
Offre de CDD Ingénieur de recherche (4 mois) sur la transmission du Covid dans les foules (POURVUE)
Hubert-Curien HIBISCUS on pedestrian crowds
Mini-colloquium on Human Mobilities (Rennes, August 2020 -- POSTPONED): Submit your abstract!
How singular is a pedestrian, as compared to a vibrated grain or a self-propelled particle?
Does it make sense to talk about a 'mechanics' of crowds?