Apr 8TGF 2024: Call for abstracts (deadline: 31st May!!)It is too late to submit abstracts for talks, but you may still submit abstract for poster presentations! The 2024 edition of the Traffic...
Nov 2, 2023ANDA, a new agent-based model for pedestrian dynamicsA new agent-based model for pedestrian dynamics with a structure more closely follows the actual processes at play.
Nov 2, 2023Research internship (Physics + AI) : Crowds’ response to their crossing by an autonomous vehicleProposal for a Masters' level research internship at Institut Lumière Matière, a public research lab associated with CNRS and Univ. Lyon...
May 5, 2023Crossing scales to assess the risks of viral transmission in a crowdA chasm of several orders of magnitude in lengthscales separates viruses and the respiratory droplets carrying them from the typical...
Jun 27, 2022Computer Science, Applied Maths and Stat Phys gathered to model dense crowds: Second MADRAS meetingWhat skills should one gather to develop and implement innovative models for crowd dynamics? The answer most probably depends on the type...